Cool Cucumber Salad

Happy Summer!

Today I have a cool cucumber salad for your summer get togethers, picnics or for a little everyday variety.

To me, summer means different foods than when hibernating for the winter.

During winter, I eat more beef, bread, heavier foods. Goodness knows I have no fear of wasting away, but such is the natural inclination to keep warmth and strength at the fore, likely given to us through evolutionary channels.

But summer…means lighter, cooler fare. Fresh vegetables, loads more fruit, more fish in my diet, greens. A healthier approach. At least an attempt toward healthy.

Today I have a light tasting, cool and delicious cucumber salad for you. It’s quick and only takes a few ingredients. Perfect for lunch or dinner. The combination of onions and cukes seems odd but works perfectly well. Next time, I’ll add cherry tomatoes, since I add them to almost every salad I have.

Thanks to my friend Debbie for this recipe. You can check out all her amazing recipes on her Instagram @debbiebowersgelineau

Here we go!

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